Buying Nucs? Here are some known contacts who are selling Nucs in our area, please visit their sites or email them directly to buy Nucs.
Have nucs for sale and want to list here? Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page and we will be in contact.
Twin Oaks Apiary
Support Local Beekeeping!
Overwintered nucs with availability expected mid-late March. Compared to packages and Spring nucs, local overwintered nucs offer the best option for an early and robust start and the best possibility of a first-year honey crop. Includes an experienced summer 2024 marked laying queen, workers, and possibly drones who will have survived winter and are poised for rapid growth. Nucs had 0% visible mites when inspected the last two years.
All nucs feature Carniolan-blend open mated queens– selected and bred for gentleness, varroa resistance, productivity, and winter survival.
Available as 5 frame deep nucs (in a reusable plastic Jester EZ Nuc transfer nuc box–$20 refundable deposit). $250 each. $50 nonrefundable deposit required to hold. Most customers use Venmo for deposit. Cashapp, cash, and checks also accepted. Will be state inspected prior to sale with certificate of health.
NOTE: Will also have a handful of 8 frame overwintered medium nucs ($260), 5 frame medium nucs ($225), and 8 frame deep nucs ($295).
Questions are welcomed. Note– Phone support for general advice available before and after pick-up. 804-839-1191 or or

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