The Richmond Beekeepers Association is dedicated to the preservation of the art and science of beekeeping. Established in 1949, it is the oldest beekeeping association in the Richmond Virginia area. Members often share their knowledge and love of honeybees by presenting programs to interested groups. If you are thinking of becoming a beekeeper, RBA will provide a valuable resource of experienced keepers who are always willing to share their knowledge. Monthly programs will help you gain the knowledge you will need to keep your bees healthy and happy. If you are already a beekeeper, the association can give you a community of people who share you interest.
President – Steve White 804-337-9235
1st Vice-President Programs – Samantha Forbes
2nd Vice-President Membership Terry Harper
Member at Large – Ron Stilwell
Secretary –David Cox
Treasurer – Karen Nickolaou
Past President – Wayne Surles 302-983-3349
Newsletter – Nancy Essid
Webmaster – Bryan Schollenberger